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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】(15)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) Hoshino
It's because those people would need to kill those traitorous gods in order to progress further. If people from those pathway want to reach sequence 1 or higher, they'd have to kill those gods first in order to free up the spots. They're basically supporting future assassins by leveling up those who belong to the same pathway of the gods they want to kill.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【812-816】

What if the ancient Creator turned mad from splitting his powers? We know that he has defeated the primordial gods and had acquired their powers. It is quite unlikely for him to survive with his sanity unharmed. To reduce his burden, he split the powers to the kings of angels. But what if that caused his demise instead?
We know that faith is used to anchor sanity. What if the very act of splitting his powers split his faith too? If so, then after having his powers repeatedly stolen by the Angels, the Creator descended into madness in the form of the True Creator. If this is the case, the could the Twilight Hermit Order be trying to merge the stolen powers back to the True Creator? To reunite the lost beyonder characteristics so as to revert the madness?