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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【800-802】(12)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
317 ✓ ✓
当前财产情况 Current Stash:
现金 Cash:
(17000金镑)(17,000 Pounds)
约22996金镑 ~22996 Pounds
还欠蕾妮特5987金镑 5987 Gold Coin debt TO Reinette
【7】件非凡物品 [7] Mystical Items:
(价值56200金镑)(56,200 Pounds)
海神节杖(价值极高) Sea God Scepter (Lots)
格罗塞尔的游记(???) Grosselle’s Travels (???)
蠕动的饥饿(30000镑) Creeping Hunger (30000 Pounds)
丧钟(11000镑) Death Knell (11000 Pounds)
血之花(约8000镑?) Flower of Blood (~8000 Pounds?)
生物毒素瓶(5200镑) Biological Poison Bottle (5200 Pounds)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【800-802】

太阳胸针(2000镑) Midsummer/Sun Brooch (2000 Pounds)
【7】件非凡特性 [7] Beyonder Characteristics:
(价值34150镑)(34,150 Pounds)
蠕动的饥饿中的非凡特性(24000镑)Creeping Hunger Characteristics (24000 Pounds)
- 欲望使徒特性(8000镑) Desire Apostle Characteristic (8000 Pounds)
- 旅行家特性(8000镑) Traveler Characteristic (8000 Pounds)
- 腐化男爵特性(4000镑) Baron of Corruption Characteristic (4000 Pounds)
- 活尸特性(4000镑) Zombie Characteristic (4000 Pounds)
光之祭司特性(8000镑)Priest of Light Characteristic (8000 Pounds)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【800-802】
