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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【722-729】(21)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
In school, we were told that in case of emergency, a textbook could be used to stop a bullet so we should hold it to cover our vitals.
I never thought I'd see the day come 🤣🤣 Taking reading between the covers to a whole new level! ... I'll show my shelf out
Of course it would be too good to be true if he could cash in that 42.000 pounds pirate.... My guess is that Admiral of Blood will get saved and escapes next chapter and Klein will be 10.000 pounds in the minus.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【722-729】

can klein just like, banish his enemies to groselle travel ? then finish them of at a later date
(回复楼上) Krebert
might work, But also might not. We don't yet know how powerful the book's "absorbing" power is. All sequence 5s so far have been completely unable to resist, but that doesn't mean a sequence 4 can't. Only its physical defense against external attack has been tested at the demigod level: Sequence 3ish attack did absolutely nothing to it.