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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】(13)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
配方(越4000镑) 特性(约8000镑?)这简直是抢银行。这趟旅行收获颇丰。更不用说那本书很有可能是天使级,即使它目前看起来没啥用处。达尼兹应该把特性卖给安德森来换配方的,还能留下几千镑,毕竟找到正确的配方还挺罕见的。

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】

Our poor boy Danitz is feeling down... Just pray and devote yourself to the Fool hehe
Gotta say I like Edwina way more than Cattleya
(回复楼上) SaintBookwormLich
Well🤔, they are kind of different embodiment of intelectual beautiful ladies: Edwina is like a more avid bookworm class girl and Cattleya is more like a A class president... Edwina is awkward in her interactions where Cattleya is more aloof. Know as shipping potential I prefer Madam Sharron for Klein... 🤔 I wonder how meeting with Klein’s Gerhman Sparrow could be? 😂 Anyway, I doubt Klein will keep Gerhman Sparrow that long? Let’s see his new Identity will be...

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】
