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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】(2)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) Dex2
I believe they will all leave the world of the book then from there, they might need a little help to settle down in different areas 🤔. The elf will probably want to search for the other elves... honestly, I don't know where those like the preacher will go.
Just like Azik once told Klein that "being a man without memory is like a lonely boat on an ocean." These ones have memory but are in a strange era where friends might already be dead

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【701-708】

Oh interested in becoming an ingredient to assist the Tarot Club are you dear friend?
(回复楼上) Way_too_lazy
:( wtf man. Some respect for friendly giant pls.
:( 老哥你在说什么啊。他是个友善的巨人,不能给他一点尊重吗。
(回复楼上) Ozwin
Respect is making sure nothing goes to waste! :D It is only too bad that no Tarot Club members needs that particular ingredient. Jokes aside, I wonder what loot Klein is gonna get outta all this aside from perhaps the book itself since it seems a good shield?