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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【697-700】(25)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
? 天气术士 Weather Warlock (可能是圣者级)(Likely Saint Level)
已知途径关系:Known Pathway Connections:
风暴|太阳|智慧|秘密|空想| Hurricane|Sun|Sage|Secrets|Dreamer
诡诈|旅行|小偷| Deception|Journey|Thief
黑夜|战斗|死亡| Night|Combat|Death
工匠|神秘| Craftsmanship|Mystery
魔女|战争| Demoness|War
深渊|异种| Abyss|Mutant
当前财产:Current Stash:
~15199 Pounds 15199金镑
黑皇帝亵渎之牌(无价)Dark Emperor Card (Priceless)
海神节杖(很贵)Sea God Scepter (Lots)
被污染的火种手套(???)Corrupted Tinder (???)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【697-700】

阿兹克的铜哨(无法衡量)Azik’s Copper Whistle (N/A)
Creeping Hunger (37500 Pounds|20000 Pounds Characteristics inside)
蠕动的饥饿(37500镑|本身20000镑 里面的非凡特性)
- 1x 审讯者特性(1500镑)Interrogator Characteristic (1500 Pounds)
- 1x 腐化男爵特性(4000镑)Baron of Corruption Characteristic (4000 Pounds)
- 1x 活尸特性(4000镑) Zombie Characteristic(4000 Pounds)
- 1x 欲望使徒特性(8000镑)Desire Apostle Characteristic (8000 Pounds)
1x 光之祭司特性(8000镑)Priest of Light Characteristic (8000 Pounds)

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【697-700】
