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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【586-594】(4)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
I think the original title is actually “Farewell and reunion”; although that Chinese word of “reunion” also has a meaning of “goodbye”, the author obviously means Klein meet Azik again at here.
P.S. this owl is a Spectator 😜. The apothecary said he searched for a potion according to the standards of a Dragon which we know spectator falls in that category.
It's also the potion that would increase the smarts of a beast without making it violent. An owl is a pretty good companion. It should really help out this guy both in smarts and as its strength increases

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【586-594】

P.S. 这只猫头鹰是个观众!药师说他按照巨龙的标准搜寻了魔药,我们都知道这就可以分类为观众了。
【587章(旅行家-105章 扑朔迷离)】
Klein survives one battle, rests the next day, meets with a pirate captain and the Resistance, and then gets snatched up by Azik to attack Madam Rapist once again. What a busy twenty-four hours...