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2023-10-28碧蓝航线 来源:百合文库
“Hey, what do you think the Sirens were doing at the cell tower?”【喂,你们认为塞壬在信号塔那边在搞什么?】林振辉趴在一片小树林后,他此时正拿着望远镜观察着那些塞壬和信号塔的废墟。
“I don't know, Sir. All we know is that 22 minutes ago, an unidentified person called in close air support at coordinates 5015-2364, and that area is the cell tower.”【不清楚,长官。我们目前能知道的只有:在22分钟前,有人在坐标5015-2364区域呼叫了近距离空中支援且此人身份不明,而那个区域就是信号塔。】


“Sir, look. The sirens aren't very dense, they're clearly blocking. Add in the fact that close air support was just called in there, and I think there's a good chance that the port commander we're looking for is in the wreckage of that building.”【长官,你看。那些塞壬的防线并不是很密集,它们明显是在进行封锁。再加上刚刚有人在那里呼叫了近距离空中支援,我认为,该建筑物废墟里很有可能有我们要找的该港区指挥官。】
“There is something in your opinion.”【你的想法有一定的道理。】林振辉点点头回答到:“So now, you can shoot at the target of threat freely, I and Night infiltrate into the ruins of the signal tower to confirm the situation, over.”【那么现在,你们可以自由射击具有威胁性的目标,我和夜幕渗透到信号塔废墟中确认情况,完毕。】