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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【570-578】(4)

2023-10-27 来源:百合文库
也不是总是这样吧。只有那些为了自我满足强写感情戏的作者才这样。你可以看看这本书“Abuse of magic”,240章完结但是写得非常好
【abuse of magic是在web novel上连载的原创网文,是外国网友的原创作品】
【571章(旅行家-89章 压力很大)】
Ha! They're both afraid of each other :P. So this is quite strange, the person that Cattleya looks up to.. is probably Bernadette? But Bernadette is fighting against the Moses Ascetic Order that Cattleya joined.. is Cattleya a spy for Bernadette?
哈!所以他们俩都对彼此有所忌惮:P 所以这就很奇怪了,嘉德丽雅一直仰望的人……可能是贝尔纳黛?但是贝尔纳黛不是和嘉德丽雅加入的摩斯隐修会是敌人吗……嘉德丽雅是贝尔纳黛的间谍?

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【570-578】

(回复楼上) ReyesCl
That person acknowledged that Roselle’s notes are actually his diary. I think only Roselle’s daughter could know about it.
Is the harmonica messenger the "spirit that is easily neglected" that Klein tried to contract with? I rlly want someone to see Gehrman's new messenger...she is the top tier waifu
(回复楼上) DeadmanWhisperer

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【570-578】
