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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【563-569】(6)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
What have you done Klein!? He is the most faithful believer of you out of them all! Your name is the 'Fool' so he's doing a great job by sca-.. Ahem, I mean, fooling other people!
He likely have a beef with Ed or is it the translator?
Ed Sheeran?!?!?!?! It'd be funny if he read this web novel! That said, it looks like there might be a new member of the Tarot Club finally? This one would be the first to join using the special items since Little Sun.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【563-569】

(回复楼上) Dex2
Also, I can't wait for the response of the Church to discover the honorific name has such power. Imagine how Alger will be amazed that the Fool killed some imbecile that tried using his name
Is it just me or people are pretending to make theories but are actually using spoilers in them ? in past chapters I noticed it getting worse, can't read some theories without feeling heavy spoilers, translator if you can shift through the most liked ones and delete the obvious smartass comments pretending they aren't using spoilers, but the way they word it make it pretty obvious they know more than they let on.