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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【563-569】(2)

2023-10-28 来源:百合文库
I’m really curious about these items that connect to the gray fog. There’s definitely some secret behind them and I doubt it’s simple. Especially interesting that they seem to mark people’s bodies when they shatter.
(回复楼上) XanTheInsane
Could be all related to the Seer pathway as it manipulates fate at higher sequences.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【563-569】

(回复楼上) Dex2
Mmh, yes on the related part but remember Zaratul, who was a Sequence 2 -Miracle Invoker of the Seer pathway once told Roselle that the Seer pathway has only a little to do with fate. It is unlikely to manipulate fate since this is taken care of by the Monster pathway.
(回复楼上) attentivetentacles
The existence of the gray fog above the spirit world and the 7 colored lights. I suspect Seer sequence 0 has the dominance of the spirit world. Just like the ocean, moon, sun.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【563-569】
