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2023-10-27史莱姆奇幻文学恐怖小说诡丽幻谭 来源:百合文库
Fred Storr and Luke Matson, on the midnight-to-three o'clock patrol, passed an uneventful two hours on their particular stretch of highway. Matson finally sat down on a fallen tree stump a few yards from the edge of the road.
"Legs givin' out," he commented wryly, resting his rifle on the stump. "Might as well sit a few minutes."
Fred Storr lingered nearby. "Guess so, Luke. Don't look like -" Suddenly he scowled into the black fringe of the swamp. "You hear something, Luke?"


Luke listened, twisting around on the stump. "Well, maybe," he said finally, "kind of a little scratchy sound like."
He got up, retrieving his rifle.
"Let's take a look," Fred suggested in a low voice. He stepped over the stump and Luke followed him toward the tangle of brush which marked the border of the swamp jungle.
Several yards farther along they stopped again. The sound became more audible. It was a kind of slithering, scraping sound, such as might be produced by a heavy body dragging itself over uneven ground.