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2023-10-27史莱姆奇幻文学恐怖小说诡丽幻谭 来源:百合文库
Old Man Gowse got up early, after another uneasy night, and walked out to inspect the barnyard area. Nothing further seemed amiss, but there was still no sign of Sarey. And that detestable odor arose from the direction of Wharton's Swamp when the wind was right.
After breakfast, Gowse set out for Rupert Barnaby's place, a mile or so distant along the road. He wasn't sure himself what he expected to find.
When he reached Barnaby's small but neat frame house, all was quiet. Too quiet. Usually Barnaby was up and about soon after sunrise.


On a sudden impulse, Gowse walked up the path and rapped on the front door. He waited and there was no reply. He knocked again, and after another pause, stepped off the porch.
Jibbe, Barnaby's hound, slunk around the side of the house. Ordinarily he would bound about and bark. But today he stood motionless–or nearly so–he was trembling–and stared at Gowse. The dog had a cowed, frightened, guilty air which was entirely alien to him.
"Where's Rup?" Gowse called to him. "Go get Rup!"
Instead of starting off, the dog threw back his head and emitted an eerie, long-drawn howl.