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2023-10-27if线长期连载明日方舟蔓德拉 来源:百合文库
Aeolian sounds passed through the window to my ears, I rubbed my eyes then looked at the firmament outside the window: it was overcast, drizzle dropped down to the ground, and a lot of fleeting crowns appeared on the granite. I got up from my bed, prepared to buy some foods before the downpour; I walked in front of the full-length mirror, there was a figure of young man looked like 16 years old appeared in it: he was of medium build, seemed to be 1.75 meters, his body was not very strong, but the ups and downs on his clothes because of the muscles are enough to prove how healthy his body was, he had dark red hair, the iris color eyes were bright and gentle, seemed to be able to perceive everything, the dress of him was very simple, just a white cotton shirt and a raw brown trousers made of linen, but still revealing an extraordinary temperament inadvertently. On the whole, he was a concise but extraordinary teenager, the boy was me.


"What a perfect day it is, I can enjoy the coolness of the rain to the fullest, it's a long-lost feeling...but I have to come back before the rainstorm comes, I must hurry up" I smiled to the mirror, then took the wallet and a bag, walked out of the house.