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绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文(3)

2023-10-25绿山墙的安妮津津有味英文读物 来源:百合文库
"The man who came this afternoon.I bought the dye from him."
"Anne Shirley,how often have I told you never to let one of those men in the house?"
"Oh,I didn't let him inside.He had a big box full of very interesting things,and he told me he was working hard to make enough money to bring his wife and children out from Germany.But what am I going to do?"
Anne's unhappiness continued for a week.During that time,she went nowhere and washed her hair every day.Nothing worked.

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文

At the end of the week,Marilla said,"It's no use,Anne.Your hair must be cut off; there is no other way.You can't go out with it looking like that."
And so Marilla cut almost all of Anne's hair off.Everybody talked about Anne in school on Monday; but to her relief,nobody guessed the real reason for her new hair cut.Anne told Marilla all the things the girls had said about her and all the things the boys had said about her.Then,she said,"But am I talking too much,Marilla? Does it hurt your head?"

绿山墙的安妮9-15章 纯英文
