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They were then moved to another, supposedly more secure, cell on the ground floor.
Camicazi wasn't about to give up with this little setback, though. She spent four days tunneling her way out of their new prison with Hiccup's helmet. Unfortunately the tunnel came out right slap bang in the middle of the Consul's bathroom. A naked Fat Consul screeched for reinforcements and they were moved back to the Tower room again, where the window had been repaired.


Her third plan was the craziest of all.
She ambushed the soldier who brought them their food every day, knocking him out with his own food tray.
She was planning to wear his clothes to pass herself off as a soldier.
"It'll never work," said Hiccup. "You'll get caught. You're a girl for starters. And you're only four feet high. There are no four-foot-high soldiers. They don't let them in the army."

