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The Hopeful Puffin completed her final spin and began moving swiftly forward.
But the fog had come down again, if anything even thicker than before. After all that spinning, Hiccup had absolutely no idea which
direction they were facing. And when the last faint echoes of Snotlout and Dogsbreath's jeering had faded away, they sailed on in spooky silence.


"Where is everybody?" asked Fishlegs.
"Ssssh," scolded Hiccup. "I'm trying to listen."
The boys were quiet for ten long minutes.
The only sound to be heard was the lApping of water against the sides of the boat and a brisk wind filling out the sail. They were gliding along at quite a rate now, but where were they going? Hiccup and Fishlegs strained their eyes into the fog and their ears into the silence, desperate to see or hear something, anything at all.

