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Vanilla Twilight(4)

2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
So really, who in Ponyville could fill such a void in her life? If not those she worked with, then who else? These questions had danced in her head throughout the day, leaving her dazed and restless. They gnawed at her, and would continue to do so until she laid them to rest.
She hated feeling like this. She needed somepony, anypony to talk to, to help her understand her own thoughts, or at least distract her from them until she could sleep. The moon loomed high above, indicating it was some time past midnight, but one of her friends might still be awake. 

Vanilla Twilight

She arched her back and unfurled her wings to their full length. A gentle wind flowed through her feathers. With a single flap, she brought herself from the cloud into the air, where she let the current carry her along. She had many thoughts on her mind, and as she rose into the open sky, she realized at least one thing: she wasn’t going to answer them here. With that, she leaned forward and let the wind take her, soaring into the night over Ponyville.

Vanilla Twilight
