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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【528-536】(4)

2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
(回复楼上) XanTheInsane
"As long as he's just killing pirates lets not bother him, agreed?"
(回复一楼) Alessan
Very much so. But the only things better than money is personal strength.
【529章(旅行家-47章 默契)】
Someone should make this into a mmorpg: When you roll a new character you can choose which God to believe in - if you choose one of the orthodox churches you may get a chance to join the Nighthawks/MPunishers/MHiveminds later on. If you choose an evil deity you will get hunted as soon as you get exposed... You start out as a common human being. You might hunt monsters for characteristics or buy your first potion once you have saved up enough money. Or if you serve the church or a secret organization they might provide you with a potion of you proved yourself. The common laws of the beyonder world Apply. That means that there is a set amount of beyonder characteristics in the world (first held by NPCs or monsters, who do not respawn!) and if a Player wants to reach the really high sequences he will probably need to hunt other players of the same path. There will be to be some kind of way to determine how well you act according to your portion, e.g. assassins need to kill, sleepless will only digest their potion during the (ingame) night, spectators will improve if they frequently observe others without being noticed. Players should be indistinguishable from NPCs unless they give themselves away. Although they might get locked into an asylum and get experimented on by the Psychology Alchemists if they shout that this world is fake and the Players are the only human beings...