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2023-09-15HCY148飒炸HCY148水仙十炸 来源:百合文库
You're the reason why I hate myself a bit too much,你是我为什么会如此憎恶自己的原因,
You're the reason why I can't even ******* trust,你是我为什么失去信任的理由,
I know you see me slowly falling apart,我知道你看着我缓缓的支离破碎,


There are so many ******* wounds in my heart,有太多的伤痕充斥于这颗心脏,
I don't ever stop bleeding I need stitches,血流不止的需要把它缝合起来,
But the only way to heal me is if you could fix it,但能治愈我的仅你而已,
Save my love cause I know you're gonna miss it,救救我的爱吧 我知道你会想念它的,

