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The Little Mermaid 14 | Princess| Fairy Tales |(4)

2023-09-15 来源:百合文库
instead the Little Mermaid spun onto the floor alone.
as always her tender feet hurt terribly but this time she did not notice the pain
because her heart was broken.
she knew this would be her last night on earth and she would never see her Prince again. The Little Mermaid would not get a soul but instead become foam upon the waves.
she danced as if she were under a spell. without thought, without dreams, without hope.
the guests cheered at her every step in turn.
her feet seemed enchanted.
finally the music stopped and so did the Little Mermaid 

The Little Mermaid 14 | Princess| Fairy Tales |

she looked for the prince but he had left.
"the happy couple has gone to bed," said one of the guests, as if in answer to her thoughts.
" let us wish them well!" 
on the deck. a tent of golden silk had been set up.
inside the tent, the Royal pair sat on a bed.
as the guests cheered, the Prince kissed his bride and ran his fingers through her hair. 
