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和电影明星一起旅行 英文故事

2023-09-15翻译英文故事国外故事 来源:百合文库

和电影明星一起旅行 英文故事

Traveling with a movie star
Twice I have sat next to a famous man on an airplane. The first man was Jason Kidd, of the New Jersey Nets. I asked him why he didn’t fly first class, and he said that it was because his cousin worked for United.
“Wouldn’t that be all the more reason to get first class?”
“It’s cool,” he said, unfurling his legs into the aisle.
I let it go, because what do I know about the ins and outs of being a sports celebrity? We didn’t talk for the rest of the flight.

和电影明星一起旅行 英文故事
