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Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive(10)

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库
The man in white stopped me before I walk out the room. “Wait a minute, boy, the teleport did not fail, the identify device and creating device are working well, the problem is on the vanishing device.” He used the monitor to show me the real-time image of one station in Chongqing, that’s my destination of teleport.” 
A boy opened the glass tube and came out with a backpack. It’s unbelievable, this boy looks so much like me... ...In other words, he is another “me”.
At this time, I found that the staff in black was discussing quietly with the dispatcher in white.

Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive

"Don't worry, boy, the teleport was successful, and the current 'you' should have arrived home.", the man in black walks to me with those words.
I'm a little confused, and he continued: “you are a high school student, you should have the humanism class, do you know the prohibition of cloning?” He suddenly grabbed my arms and I wanted to break free, but the man was twice as tall as me. “What are you doing?" My voice trembled a little, He replied: “Unauthorized cloning is a crime, and the highest penalty is the death penalty.”