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Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive(2)

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库
In the textbook, it's named as “transient device” , its abbreviation is TD, sounds like a brand of toy, instead of vehicle, so I’d like to call it “sliding tube”. Transient devices look like giant glass tubes, and different models come in different sizes, some of the tubes can hold hundreds of people at once, while others hold only one person. I usually go to school by the model for “one person one time”, I'm always on my own.
At least two “terminals” are needed to do the teleport, and there are tons of them, that is why it's so easy to go to any city in a moment.

Copy Or Teleport, Dead Or Alive

It's not like a traditional vehicle, we can't buy it, the government controls all of transient device, because the government is worried about bad people using them for bad things, it's hard for the police to catch people moving around the whole world. Those tubes will be placed at stations in cities, these stations are halls with lots and lots of glass tubes, and if people want to use a glass tube, they need to line up. we should pay three tak (virtual currency) one time, no matter how far we’ll travel to.