Apple Dash(pt.1 A Crush)(2)
But there was something wrong, something, different. A strange mixed feeling of losing something and gaining something at the same time, which has never been there before. Rainbow lost her cool. Ever since the rescue, she's been wandering around the village with nothing to do.
「Bored」She thought,「That must be it. I'm bored!」
She then flew off with that thought, helping other ponies out just to kill the time. But by the time the day ends, things got even worse, the feeling kept Rainbow up all night, torturing her, stimulating her, and bouncing back every single time she forgot about it.
「What on earth is hAPPening to me?!」 She wailed, tugging her sheet over herself.
The next day, Rainbow headed to the farm to see if they needed any help. Big Mac greeted her with delight and surprise,"You sure y'all ain't got nothin' better to do? I heard that you folks are busy with all those training of yals."
"Nah, I'm good. I just wanted to see if I could do anything for you, since APPle Jack broke her arm. It's the APPle season, and I know you'll be working all night."
「Bored」She thought,「That must be it. I'm bored!」
She then flew off with that thought, helping other ponies out just to kill the time. But by the time the day ends, things got even worse, the feeling kept Rainbow up all night, torturing her, stimulating her, and bouncing back every single time she forgot about it.
「What on earth is hAPPening to me?!」 She wailed, tugging her sheet over herself.
The next day, Rainbow headed to the farm to see if they needed any help. Big Mac greeted her with delight and surprise,"You sure y'all ain't got nothin' better to do? I heard that you folks are busy with all those training of yals."
"Nah, I'm good. I just wanted to see if I could do anything for you, since APPle Jack broke her arm. It's the APPle season, and I know you'll be working all night."