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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【490-496】(17)

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库
Really? I don't see anything suspicious, sounds like a bunch of perfectly legit side quest in Klein quest log. Keep them coming captain, the giant golden exclamation mark floating above your head is big enough that we can use it as a beacon to guide ships.
(回复楼上) Randompasserby
Yeah lol at this point whenever Klein gathers information or "coincidentally" comes across some secrets or whatever, might as well take out that notebook and start making a checklist/ taking bets on when and where he would "luckily" encounter them 😅

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【490-496】

(回复一楼) Ozwin
Practically being smacked with flags. Assaulted even. There is treasure Klein, and pirates, and maybe a thing you should share with our friendly descendant of Death via letter.
What are the chances the copper whistle Klein carries is death's key?