诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【476-478】(19)
2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
如果他把外貌变成了真实造物主的形象会怎么样?这可能会吓到一些部分人,直到他们意识到他只有序列6 :) 除非他带着黑皇帝的亵渎之牌然后从那之中借到一点能量。
(回复楼上) Tichaosius
I believe that the imitation of True Creator alone can result in losing control.
(回复楼上) GoodWithAToaster
One moment he’s trying out the true creator’s face...the next he finds himself munching on scalps and fingers haha
(回复一楼) SendNuds
I don't think he's able to, the cross and nails can't be reproduced by his powers, like he coudn't make an armor to disguise as one of the guards earlier