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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【476-478】(15)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
大家的辩论都挺好的:) 在我们的世界,虽然有诸多对于打击*犯*罪和恐*怖*组*织的投入,但很不幸的是,他们依然能在当局的眼皮子底下到处作乱。我感觉教会更习惯于给非凡者事件擦屁股,而不是预防此类事件发生。特别是在这件事里,虽然牵涉到一个0级封印物,依然很难知道到底发生了什么事。是,主角在有灰雾的情况下很强,他主要的能力就在于能更容易获知这些事情。但他上次悲惨地挂掉了,所以我感觉这还是平衡的挺好的;)
I see it as the church looking for true geniuses. It would just be too expensive to invest in so many low talented individuals who will have a high risk of failure even with the acting method. An example will be Klein who was close to failing sequance 6 even though he can be considered a top genius with everything he has helping him out, also. If Klein never died, the church would most likely heavily invest in him.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【476-478】

I see money as a priority but there are still more important factors, like mental health.
(回复楼上) Poporu
If everyone knew the acting method. The world of beyonders would go to the direction of dog eat dog world. Law of the jungle. Mass betrayal would be a thing. Keeping it a secret was already a good move.