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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 -【445-450】(4)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
This is an unexpected development!
(回复楼上) Krebert
I love that about this novel. Things are always foreshadowed and always have a reasonable explanation, but it still feels totally unexpected when they happen. This, Talim's death, running into the devil dog when running from the museum, etc.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 -【445-450】

Carrying 2 swords with various kind of oil and hunting monster. So basically Chief Colin is a Witcher.
Somewhere when fors gets contact to the abraham family and give klein the books over the spirit world it is mentioned thtat the general layout of the spirit world is the a massive world where on the sky is a rainbow where every colour is a spirit and a mountain rises high above the ligths and on top of the mountian is an ancient palace with a throneroom and a table and it matches the description of the tarod gathering palace so it is most likely the same which implies that klein has porbably inherit the position as the owner or king of the spirit world which would explain why he can connect himself to everyone who is in the gathering why only their spirit is everytime brought there why divination gets enhanced for him and can cloud everyone else also why the living beings of the world are respectful to him like the light and arrodes which see him as their superior which also disregards the sequence/power gap