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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【438-444】(5)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
Lol! I like Klein x Sharron, too, but I feel that her relationship with Maric must be clarified first. I don't know if they're a couple, siblings, or just friends, but no one wants an *****erer. Klein with Daly or Leonard is fun, too, but they actually have to meet each other before anything can sail. :3

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【438-444】

(回复楼上) nothingworks
With Daly, I shipped her with Captain Dunn. This is further emphasized when she talked about how is it a common factor among Nightmare to wait for the girl to act or something. ??
With Leonard. Now this. Why didn't I think of this? ??
This could be the most interesting pairing so far. Both with some dangerous secret that while helps them, could make them the target of official beyonders. Both targeting Ince Zangwill for revenge. And fate or the author had teased us for several chapters of a fated reunion that ended in a glimpse. Hahahaha