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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【423-429】(21)

2023-08-19 来源:百合文库
I look forward to sequence 6 to 
(回复一楼) binariti_
It's a pity that faceless not that good at fighting...
My dedction is that it has something to do with backlund being the hotbed for the descent of an evil God. Duke Negan was aiding in helping improve the worker conditions in backlund. He had the second highest amount of power in the kingdom. He had a lot of input into what went on. That would have been disadvantageous to the followers of the true creator. 

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【423-429】

My second deduction is the some secret organization (other than the followers of the true creator) are trying to create a rift in the kingdom and move things along so that something can happen. I forgot what chapter that said omething about a ancient organization that manipulated history or something. Emperor roselle joined it I think? Gah, my memory sucks. Anyway, If the organization mentioned in the chapter is anywhere similar to it then I think that would explain such huge actions for no reason and targeting Duke Negan. 