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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【366-374】(3)

2023-08-18 来源:百合文库
There’s more and more proofs that Emlyn White is an otaku and a chuunibyoo of epic proportions ??
越来越多的证据可以证明埃姆林·怀特是个死宅 重度中二病了
【367章(无面人-154章 恐吓信】
Hey Klein actually solved a case like a true, proper detective for once lol ??
Just some out of the box thinking and logical reasoning, if you don't mind the divination at the end to confirm the results at least. Besides he'd be nuts if he doesn't capitalize on his advantages right?

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【366-374】

(回复楼上) TheLicherKing
That divination wasn't even made to confirm his results, but to just know if there was danger - and the only thing that can really endanger Klein are other beyonders. So he just solved a case perfectly without even really using his powers. 
Captain would be proud, may he rest in peace.

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【366-374】
