诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【319-330】(8)
2023-08-18 来源:百合文库
爱情戏从来不是必要成分,而且这会在某些方面限制主角,而我们的配角向来都有很好的人物发展,比如第一季里的队长还有其他人,现在这样就很好 :)
【322章(无面人-109章 刺激的夜晚】
Damn, this was sick!
Also fighting an experienced magician sounds like a real pain in the enemy perspective XD
You thought I'm an idiot that charge at you!? I was actually running away! You thought I was running away? I was actually staying still! You thought your fireball could hit me? I could somewhat control fire! You thought I would run quietly!? I CALL IN REINFORCEMENT!
Even in games I would usually prefer the class that needs more preparation and strategy instead of raw power, when everything goes smoothly it feels so satisfying!
而且站在敌人的角度,和一个经验丰富的魔术师战斗听起来非常痛苦啊XD你以为我傻到给你充能?其实我是在逃跑哒!你以为我在逃跑?其实我站在原地哒!你以为你的火球能打中我?我能控制火焰哒!你以为我会悄悄溜走?呼 叫 支 援!
Also I'm surprised that the devil is actually a dog, our doggo MC finally have a rival!
【322章(无面人-109章 刺激的夜晚】
Damn, this was sick!
Also fighting an experienced magician sounds like a real pain in the enemy perspective XD
You thought I'm an idiot that charge at you!? I was actually running away! You thought I was running away? I was actually staying still! You thought your fireball could hit me? I could somewhat control fire! You thought I would run quietly!? I CALL IN REINFORCEMENT!
Even in games I would usually prefer the class that needs more preparation and strategy instead of raw power, when everything goes smoothly it feels so satisfying!
而且站在敌人的角度,和一个经验丰富的魔术师战斗听起来非常痛苦啊XD你以为我傻到给你充能?其实我是在逃跑哒!你以为我在逃跑?其实我站在原地哒!你以为你的火球能打中我?我能控制火焰哒!你以为我会悄悄溜走?呼 叫 支 援!
Also I'm surprised that the devil is actually a dog, our doggo MC finally have a rival!