【德哈】Can you marry me ?(8)
『If the sun shines on you,
that is my love,
if the moonlight illuminates your way,
that is my love,
if the stars adorn your night,
that is my love………』
哈利笑着,一曲终了,他站起来,从包里摸出一枚戒指,递到德拉科眼前,“Can you marry me?”
德拉科笑了,灰色的眼睛里蕴着笑意,他也拿出来一枚戒指,俯下身,“Can you marry me?”
他们交换了戒指,然后相视而笑,同时答到,“YES,I do ”
that is my love,
if the moonlight illuminates your way,
that is my love,
if the stars adorn your night,
that is my love………』
哈利笑着,一曲终了,他站起来,从包里摸出一枚戒指,递到德拉科眼前,“Can you marry me?”
德拉科笑了,灰色的眼睛里蕴着笑意,他也拿出来一枚戒指,俯下身,“Can you marry me?”
他们交换了戒指,然后相视而笑,同时答到,“YES,I do ”