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第一回 宇宙的第一道光

2023-08-02 来源:百合文库

第一回 宇宙的第一道光


The Hud Nebula, which was born around 120 BC. It's a form, so it doesn't belong in three dimensions, or even higher. The Hadder Nebula is the oldest nebula ever discovered in science. It may seem strange to you, but the oldest nebula we have seen is not the Hadder Nebula. That's because the Hadder Nebula has different names in the scientific community because of all the theories and formulas it tells about. The Hud Nebula can emit huge amounts of energy in an instant, like a snap of a pinkie finger, and a gamma-ray burst bursts out. The Hud Nebula could survive for tens of billions of years, and it would be fine to the end of the universe. The key is whether it would be collided, swallowed up, or vaporized along the way. Entropy doesn't end. Even the universe can't stop it. So the Hadder Nebula is likely to be collided, swallowed up, or vaporized in the near future. {from Einstein《theory》}