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Furry x Philsophy: 小马过河(1)

2023-07-31 来源:百合文库

Furry x Philsophy: 小马过河(1)

hello大家好! 这里是Anaximender,圈名叫小葵
首先我们要对furry“认真且严肃”地下一个哲学的定义——Being a furry is a re-enchanting aesthetic attitude towards nature,which can be understood as an attempt to defend a “legitimate anthropomorphism”.
爸爸妈妈你们知道吗?这里有一个非常重要的哲学概念,叫做赋魅(enchanting);谈到enchanting,我们就要提到Max Weber,韦伯的赋魅(enchantment)和祛魅(disenchantment)理论——
“Increasing intellectualization and rationalization … mean the knowledge or belief that if one but wished one could learn it at any time. Hence, it means that principally there are no mysterious incalculable forces that come into play, but rather that one can, in principle, master all things by calculation. This means that the world is disenchanted.”

Furry x Philsophy: 小马过河(1)
