【明日方舟】迷失的梦 —(夜莺)(4)
P.s. 算是给自己的一时兴起一个交代,开头文里的骑士厮杀是参考夜莺的万圣节‘挽歌’皮肤中,立板上的字:
“And they are dancing , the beard floor slamming under the ecoves and the swords shining hideously over their bloodstained cloaks,
He says he will wipe all them out from sarkaz, he never rests, he says,he says that he will never die”
厮杀中的人却形如跳舞,剑,披风。是的就像是黑魂的 法兰街舞队 咳~“深渊的监视者”,为对抗深渊而自相残杀.已死传承的骑士们。可能不是正统解读,但我当时和看见这段文字时就是这么想的。
P.s. 算是给自己的一时兴起一个交代,开头文里的骑士厮杀是参考夜莺的万圣节‘挽歌’皮肤中,立板上的字:
“And they are dancing , the beard floor slamming under the ecoves and the swords shining hideously over their bloodstained cloaks,
He says he will wipe all them out from sarkaz, he never rests, he says,he says that he will never die”
厮杀中的人却形如跳舞,剑,披风。是的就像是黑魂的 法兰街舞队 咳~“深渊的监视者”,为对抗深渊而自相残杀.已死传承的骑士们。可能不是正统解读,但我当时和看见这段文字时就是这么想的。