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Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki Analysis(6)

2023-07-31 来源:百合文库

Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki Analysis

By contrast, 屋久先生 has given plenty of depictions to Hinami in every Volume, including 6.5 and 8.5. However, I can hardly see any progress made by Hinami as the “perfect” heroine. Someone may argue that she is too perfect to make any progress. In fact, Hinami also “grew” from a weak character through her own efforts before, but I think this kind of “growth” is different. This is because 屋久先生 has given many hints in the novel that アルシア (Hinami) is “empty inside” (e.g. Volume 8.5). When Hinami explained the meaning of her name “葵” to her classmates, she also said the expectation of the name “has nothing to do with her”. This sentence is very interesting because you can understand it in different ways. For example, you can say that アルシア is not doing 本当にやりたいこと while there is also another possibility:

Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki Analysis
