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2023-07-17 来源:百合文库


The story begins in the land people name it Dream Mainland.
A conventional Chinese saying goes "由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难" - a motto true believers won't forget in their lifetimes. Lust, is like some kind of psycho drug usually originates from people's mind, but never occurs under socail policy. The reason simply lies in that an individual atom always seeks combination with more particular ones to become a powerful organization while not a fragile solo. A coin to a nation means a grain in the bucket, an enterprise a number in the budget, a family an income from hard works, and a child a happy moment of nature. Those warning words claim that money is the root of all evils. But, evil is a part of people's nature which can not be wiped off in a complete man; likewise integrity/justice. Without evils there won't be so-called justice, while are evils all there without justice? Apparently, the answer is yes if you can see a full map of the university. Solid truth may like this - without light, all dark; however, light can kill all evils, life as well. Does justice still exist then? Justice functions no more if there was not a single evil in this world. It makes sense evil always stands in the way when Sphinx reoccurs in your mind, made-up witch casts her evil eyes on purity. The solution for Sphinx and witch lies in courage and wisdom both are herotic spirits that people of justice should have when confronting puzzles or confusions. Just remember this, where there is light, there is shadow aside. 