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A Matter of Honor: A Review

2023-07-17马克吐温美国文学MarkTwain 来源:百合文库

A Matter of Honor: A Review

Mark Twain
The short story A Matter of Honor written by Mark Twain really has a humorous and ironic tone, which is quite impressive and profound, and the characteristic satire is mainly shown in the following five aspects. 
Firstly, even though the narrator claimed his unconference in religious faith[1], he did have some kind of principle[2]. Secondly, the narrator saw the dog which did not belong to him as his lover[3], but he could sell him without a doubt[4]. Thirdly, after his deal, the narrator saw the dog-owner looking around and asked if he need help willingly[5]. Fourthly, despite the fact that the narrator made a reasonable argument with General Miles, his tricks were nothing but sophistry. In fact, being the last aspect, the title A Matter of Honor itself is a satire.

A Matter of Honor: A Review
