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Happy Birthday,Ink Loong!(我快累死了QWQ)(5)

2023-07-16破碎空间LQAVCLTWFPInkLoong 来源:百合文库
After an hour,Residual returns with a can of cream and some other Ingredients such as chocolates,blueberry and a can of jam and so on.And at this time,Loong is playing outside.
"Residual!Give me the cream!"Frisk gets the cream from Residual and then take out the cake which was sent in the oven before an hour,after that Frisk pours them on the cake.Residual and Frisk add some fruits and chocolate,jam on the cake.At last Frisk packs the cake:"Now,let's make a surprise for him!"
When the sky gets dark,Ink Loong enters into the living room where still without any lights:"Uhh...Where're the lights?"

Happy Birthday,Ink Loong!(我快累死了QWQ)

"Happy birthday to you!"Suddenly,the lights went on,Loong saw that his friends are all here!And in the center os them,there's a big cake with some texts:
"Give to my best 'brother' Loong——Residual and Frisk"
Loong's tear suddenly drops down,he runs to Residual and hugs him.
"Meow~"Residual rubs Loong,and rubs Loong's tear:"Loong is already a teen!Don't be cry."
"Now,let's start our birthday party together!"