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火柴人动画X约会大作战 第三章 加入AST(3)

2023-07-17 来源:百合文库
Second Coming:What?(什么?)
燎子:Oh,I mean, I've had it up to here with that piece of shit,this is a relief.(哦,我是说早就看那个人渣不爽了,这一下真解气。)
燎子:Oh, that's right..(哦,对了……)
燎子把Minecraft还给Second Coming,“Now you're free, but you don't have an ID, so join the AST for now, and we'll help you find your friend.(现在你自由了,不过你没有身份信息,先暂时加入AST,我们会帮你找到你的朋友的。)”
现在,Second Coming说出了第一句日语:“谢……谢谢你……”
