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’ said the Dragon Furious, and despite everything, he reared up to gaze at the horizon, a great, magnificent Dragon-mountain, the Stormblade’s cut a mere insignificant pinprick in his chest. ‘Home…’ sighed the Dragon Furious, looking 
beyond Tomorrow, beyond Hero’s End, out at the endless waves stretching away forever. ‘The Open Ocean… miles and miles of glorious empty wilderness… Now that is where a dragon can really spread out his wings and swim, as carefree and as wild as a dragon ought to be… ‘And maybe I will not die after all,’ said the Dragon Furious recklessly, his eyes burning more fiercely still, with brighter and brighter hope, or was it fever? ‘Maybe the cold clear seas of home will cure me, and I shall have victory over death. A new beginning. It has happened before, the impossible has become the possible, so why should it not happen to me? ‘Whatever happens,’ said the Dragon, ‘I go first…

