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Hiccup. ‘Even now, the nanodragons hide so brilliantly in the grasses and the heathers that unless you know they are there, and put your face right up to them, you can’t see them at all. ‘You would hide so effectively, so completely, that it would be as if you never existed. And as you begin to vanish, I promise you, that I will make sure our bards and storytellers will spread the rumour that you were only ever mythical creatures, like chimeras or sphynxes. Humans of the future must never know that they share the earth with you, for then they would seek to dominate or destroy you. ‘You would enter a Sleep Coma, and wait for the human race to either improve its nature, or to disappear. You were here long before the humans, and perhaps you will be here long after.’ The Dragon smiled again. He even laughed, a frail, explosive laugh. ‘It is a crazy Plan,’ said the Dragon Furious, his eyes alight with genuine amusement and excitement at the thought of it. ‘A Plan dreamed up by a lunatic or a fool. Just the sort of Plan that Hiccup the Second used to come up with. He was always getting me into trouble with Plans like that…