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He turned to Hiccup, and Hiccup could see the Dragon’s chest, where the tiny wound from the Stormblade, showed an infinitesimal scratch. ‘FOR A PROMISE IS A PROMISE, IF IT IS MADE IN BLOOD.’ But then the great Dragon stiffened and grew strangely still. The great Dragon in front of them, so splendid in the might and height of his glory, trembled and choked. ‘No,’ said Hiccup. ‘No…
no… no… I don’t understand, Wodensfang, what is happening?’ ‘I don’t know,’ whispered the Wodensfang. ‘But I feel a sudden dread…’ The Dragon Furious had shrugged off a thousand pesky human sword-cuts. The prick of a needle could not have any effect on a Seadragon the size of a mountain. Unless… Unless the Stormblade was poisoned. Unless it was poisoned, not with the slow-working poison of the Venomous Vorpent, for which Hiccup had found the antidote, but with the most potent and devastating drug that a wicked Witch could lay her hands on. However many good human beings there are, 

