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so she and Fishlegs had followed them on the back of the Deadly Shadow. One invisible dragon following another. And the past had at last caught up with Alvin the Treacherous, as the past eventually has a way of catching up with all of us. Fishlegs, on the back of the Deadly Shadow dragon, wanted some answers. ‘The Jewel… maybe the Jewel is all right…
I don’t think Alvin’s boot came down in time…’ gasped Hiccup. ‘Oh, thank Thor and Woden and the great bushy plaits of Freya herself!’ cried Hiccup, hugging Toothless with all his might – lovely wriggly Toothless, still very much alive, and licking him all over his face with his little forked tongue. Despite his best efforts, Hiccup wasn’t making much progress across the slippery, slidy, seaweedy rocks. Above them raged the chaos, screams and terror of the Final Battle, talon against shield, arrow against dragonskin. ‘Toothless, quick, fetch the Jewel before somebody else gets it,’ Hiccup gasped. Toothless squeaked in excitement, and dashed off to find the Jewel, lying horribly exposed on the Reef. Camicazi hopped off the Deadly Shadow’s back 


to look for the Jewel too. Fishlegs got off to question the cursing, squirming Alvin. Fishlegs was feeling extremely emotional, and feeling emotional brought out the Berserk in him. An excitable rash was spreading across his face, and confusing his feelings further. ‘I have been looking for my family for fifteen years,’ said Fishlegs, looking down at Alvin, squirming in the iron clasp of the Deadly Shadow’s talons. ‘Fifteen years of searching, fifteen years of wondering, and I have to say, whoever I dreamed my father would be, I never in a thousand years thought it might be you…