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Undyne Legion Ch1 Part1: Ghost(14)

2023-07-16UndyneLegion 来源:百合文库
"Wait,wait,so you only interfere with our business on Southland,right?"
"So many years,I do never left the Southland."
"So if we don't interfere with your business,you will not interfere ours,right?"
"Why should I get involved in something that has nothing to do with me?"

Undyne Legion Ch1 Part1:  Ghost

"If you don't interfere with our business,we will not interfere yours,and I will not chasing you."
Suddenly,R'ghost seizes Tommy's mistakes and put his weapon on his neck.
"I win."
"No,I'm not sure about this."

Undyne Legion Ch1 Part1:  Ghost
