2023-06-28 来源:百合文库
科幻动作电影《头号玩家》今天正式在中国上映了,这部影片在未上映之前就凭借着超强的口碑受到很多观众的期待,豆瓣评分更是达到了9.2分,还有观众表示是《头号玩家》让他再一次爱上了电影。小编今天就为大家带来了一些电影头号玩家经典台词,热爱科幻的你一定不能错过。头号玩家经典台词 1、This is the oasis world, where the only limit is your own imagination.这是绿洲世界,在这里唯一限制你的是你自己的想象力。2、People come to the oasis because they can do all kinds of things, but they sink down in this way for a different life.大家来到绿洲是因为可以做各种事,但是他们沉沦于此是为了不一样的人生。
3、Im telling you this now because the future is in crisis.我现在跟你们说这些,是因为未来陷入了危机。头号玩家剧照4、I came here to escape from reality, but I found something far more important than myself, and I made a lot of friends, and I found love.我来这里是为了逃避现实,但我发现了远比自己更重要的东西,我交到了许多朋友,我找到了真爱。5、There are many people who ha.ve lost their lives. It is a war to control the future.现在有很多人已经失去了生命,这是一场控制未来的战争。