Chazon would pass in the year 234 AD at fifty-four, having achieved two-thirds of progress in conquering Tadesa when illness took her life. Sources record her as hacking and coughing and spitting blood with worrying regularity, and eventually, she passed away on her deathbed, leaving her daughter Achlama to take the throne as Emperor.
Achlama Fimbria (234 – 261 AD)(女)
谥号也是“武帝”(Martial Empress)的她继承了母亲的事业,完成了对Tadesa的征服事业,用尽了手上一切的战术和战略手段。据说她融合强力与狡猾,兵不血刃地降服了许多部落,她的威名响彻整个阿克苏姆。
“温柔的”Sorek Fimbria (261 – 299 AD)(男)
Inheriting the throne at the young age of fifteen, Sorek is noted to be an exceedingly mediocre Emperor, having no particular outstanding talents that would allow him to outshine others – a trait he was very well aware of and did not begrudge.