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2023-06-27平行世界埃塞俄比亚犹太教 来源:百合文库
It was also thanks to his political connections – both within Rome and in other nations (Persia included) that he managed to preserve Aksum’s independence and maintain formal good relations with Rome in light of its Legions’ defeats.
Finally, his last great deed was in conquering the lands of Nubia, an African province bordering the Roman territory of Egypt and the Red Sea, a land that has long had contact with Rome and even sent mercenaries to fight in its wars, and the province of Wehir to the west.


Other than that, he is known to have posthumously named his father and grandfather Emperors of Aksum.
“统一者”Ahala Fimbria (公元160 – 200 AD)(女)
身为阿克苏姆皇座第一位女性继承人,Ahala的登基成为了阿克苏姆内战的催化剂,因为保守的亲王与贵族们——他们全都反对性别平等长嗣继承法,更别说真的看到女性继承王位了——起兵反叛,导致帝国分裂成了三个互相敌对的派系。就这样,三星之战(War of the Three Stars)开始了。
Ahala’s early start was actually unfavourable, as many cities in the state of Nubia did not necessarily favour her for the throne and were just recently absorbed into Aksum in her father’s rule. Yet, through dogged determination, tenacity, Ruthless politicking and gentle compassion, she won their hearts, and so she soon had the Nubians on her side.